Top 7 Exercises for Pregnant Women (and One You Shouldn’t Do)

Congratulations! You’re pregnant – a time of immense joy, anticipation, and maybe a touch of uncertainty about exercise. But fear not, mamas-to-be! Staying active during pregnancy is not just safe, it’s incredibly beneficial for both you and your growing baby. Here are 7 fantastic exercises you can do throughout your pregnancy, along with one to avoid to keep you and your little one safe:

Prenatal Yoga

Flow with the magic! Prenatal yoga classes are a fantastic way to improve flexibility, strengthen your core, and promote relaxation. The focus on breathing techniques can also help manage pregnancy discomforts and prepare you for childbirth.


Feeling like a beached whale? Hit the pool! Swimming is a low-impact, full-body workout that’s gentle on your joints but works wonders on your cardiovascular health and muscle tone. It’s also a fantastic way to stay cool during those hot summer months.

Brisk Walking

Lace up your shoes and get moving! Brisk walking is a simple, accessible exercise that gets your heart rate up without putting undue stress on your body. It’s a perfect way to stay active throughout your pregnancy, indoors or outdoors.

Prenatal Pilates

Channel your inner core strength! Prenatal Pilates classes focus on strengthening your core muscles, which are essential for supporting your growing belly and maintaining good posture. It can also help alleviate back pain, a common pregnancy discomfort.

Stationary Biking

Spin it to win it (but safely)! Stationary biking is a low-impact exercise that gets your heart rate up and strengthens your legs. Just be sure to adjust the seat height and avoid high-resistance workouts, especially as your pregnancy progresses.

Strength Training (with modifications)

Don’t ditch the weights! Strength training can be incredibly beneficial during pregnancy, but with modifications. Focus on bodyweight exercises like squats, lunges, and push-ups (against a wall if needed) or use lighter weights and avoid exercises that strain your abdominal muscles.

Dancing for Two

Put on your dancing shoes (with good support)! Dancing is a fun and mood-boosting way to stay active during pregnancy. From salsa to Zumba (modified versions!), find a dance style you enjoy and move your body to the rhythm.

The Movement to Avoid:

Contact Sports

While competition is admirable, hold off on activities with a high risk of falling or abdominal trauma during pregnancy. This includes sports like soccer, basketball, and even high-impact aerobics classes.

Listen to your body! Don’t push yourself too hard, and take breaks whenever you need them. Always consult with your doctor before starting any new exercise routine during pregnancy, especially if you have any preexisting health conditions.


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