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8 Strategies to Lure Preteens Out of the Digital Den


The preteen years: a magical time of discovery, self-expression, and…endless phone scrolling? If you find your preteen perpetually glued to their device, fear not! There are ways to lure them away from the digital world and entice them to explore the wonders of the real one. Here are 8 creative strategies to get your preteen to ditch the phone and embrace the great outdoors (or at least their own backyard):

Channel Their Inner Adventurer

Preteens crave excitement. Plan a geocaching adventure, a scavenger hunt in your neighborhood park, or even a backyard campout complete with stargazing and spooky stories.

Unleash Their Creativity

Nature can be a muse! Pack a sketchbook and colored pencils for an outdoor drawing session. Challenge them to photograph interesting textures, shapes, or patterns found in nature.

Embrace the Power of Teamwork

Organize a neighborhood game of capture the flag, a friendly game of frisbee with friends, or a bike ride exploring a new part of town. Social interaction combined with physical activity is a winning formula.

Make it a Learning Experience

Turn your walk into a nature lesson. Identify different plants and trees, learn about local birdsongs, or collect interesting rocks and minerals. There’s a whole world of science waiting to be discovered outside!

Leverage Their Tech Savvy

There are plenty of apps that can enhance your outdoor adventures. Bird identification apps, fitness trackers with challenges, or augmented reality treasure hunts can add a tech twist to the real world.

Lead by Example

Monkey see, monkey do! Show your preteen that you value spending time outdoors. Take them with you on your morning jog, suggest an afternoon bike ride together, or simply curl up with a book on a park bench and enjoy the fresh air.

Offer Incentives (Without Resorting to Bribery)

Sweeten the deal by offering a post-adventure reward like a trip to the ice cream shop or a movie night. The key here is to reward the time spent outdoors, not the phone break itself.

Foster a “Phone-Free” Zone

Designate certain times or areas as “phone-free zones.” This could be during family meals, car rides, or even specific outdoor activities. It allows for uninterrupted family time and encourages them to be present in the moment.

It’s a gradual process. Don’t expect your preteen to ditch their phone overnight. By incorporating these strategies and making outdoor activities engaging and fun, you can gradually nudge them towards a healthier balance between the digital and real world.